
Binance Smart Chain
Unverified contract

tatanka to USD Chart

What is tatanka?

Take it easy, how does it work

Currency name: Tatanka

Currency Symbol: TATA

Network: Bep20

Number of coins: 22 million

Initial currency distribution:

60% sales to the community

40% remain in the hands of the developer

All liquidity is locked for half a year

Which leaves the security in the currency

In-network transfer / buy / sell fee - 10%

Distribution of commissions -

50% distribution among all currency holders according to size of holdings - will be paid in Btc!

50% for community wallet, community development and the uses of the currency in community consent

Bitcoin will be received automatically

Just need to add the corrected number

how does it happen?

Tatanka coins are purchased - 10 percent of the purchase is purchased btc which is distributed to all Tatanka coin holders

And after we have dug, we will move on to the artistic part, where you are more than welcome to take an active part and influence and through the currency and the community, to ask, offer, enlighten, and pass criticism (within the bounds of good taste)

And on a personal note, this is an invitation mostly to decide. Decide if you are one of those who cook the porridge and make sure it is tasty or those who just say they ate it and that the porridge is not that tasty. A day-to-day struggle that the community wins easily and alone only a few can.

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