What is Shiba UP?
Shiba 🆙 (Pre-sale on January 16, 2022. at 18:00 UTC)
🎟Token Name: Shiba UP
🎫Ticker: SHIBAUP
📃Contract: 0x02f2F316843794Ddb47C440FD0549b3B9348Ec2e
📄Decimal: 9
🧮TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000,000
🔒Liquidity Locked: 90%
📅Lock Period: 730 days
Confirmed on Bscscan.com ✅
Tx Fee % to Holders: 2% (Rewards)
Tx Fee % to LP: 5%
Tx Fee % Burned: 1%
Tx Fee % to Marketing Wallet: 2%
Tx Fee % to Buyback Tokens: 1%
🐋Anti-Whale mechanics:
Max Wallet %: 10% (The maximum percentage of the offer that the wallet can hold)
Max Transaction %: 3% (The maximum transaction allowed as % of supply)
❗️The whitepaper is ready❗️
🌎Site: https://shibaup.tech/
🥇Telegram: https://t.me/shibaup_official
🏆Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shibaupofficial/
💎Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShibaUPofficial