Binance Smart Chain
Contract to USD Chart

What is

Bunny is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on November 10th, 2021 if you don.t help. I rescued him several months ago. I found him under my porch, soaking wet, injured from what appeared to be an attack from an alley cat. I took him in, thinking he had no chance to live from his injuries, but miraculously, he recovered. I have since spent several months nursing him to health. Bunny is a fighter, that s for sure.

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Market Cap‹0.92% $97
USD Price$0.00000000027
Price Change 1h‹0.02%
Price Change 24h‹0.92%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000000000270720668


Launched16 Jun 2021
Added15 Jun 2021