What is Strawberry Moon?
Have your vibes been off? Your portfolio down? Have you noticed that your astrological shit 💩 has been hitting that fan lately?
Good news! 📑It’s not your fault, the 💥stars have been out to get you. BUT have no fear, 🍓STRAWBERRYMOON🍓 is here to help and promises to turn it around.
This SUPERMOON is the last of 2021 🗓meaning luck is on our side.
Full moons are the culmination of the astrological cycle, the CLIMAX of the moon if you will🥵. And oh boy this coin is gunna 💦climax💦.
The 🍓Strawberry🍓 Moon ($SBM) is in Capricorn, the most powerful of all signs, boding well for any ambitious moves. You won’t want to miss out on this.
The ✨STARS✨ are on your side.
🌜10% tax added to liquidity
🌜2% redistributed to holders
🌜13% Slippage