

Myntflo to USD Chart

What is Myntflo?

Myntflo is a Web3 powered platform to interact with customers and communities. By using composable digital incentives, we make engaging with brands and products more meaningful – and fun!

The platform is designed to be used as a marketing amplifier. It rewards engaged users with collectible and transferable NFTs that transform into self-generating loyalty points, as MYNT coins.

NFTs deposited In the Myntflo non-custodial vault immediately start earing MYNT coins.

A rapidly decaying yield curve allows owners to earn coins quickly in the first week of staking so they can see their earnings grow in real time.

Depositors may withdraw both their NFTs and rewards at any time. And because each NFT has transferable earning potential, any remaining earning value is transferred to a new owner if the asset is given away or sold.

Visit to find out how you can start converting your customers into loyal fans with ownable digital assets.

*Please note that there is no presale. MYNT are currently only used as staking rewards in our standard platform showcase.

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