Coinscope has audited the contractCoinscope has audited Matrix chain ⛓️ with static analysis and manual contract review. Security assessment assist investors in drawing their own conclusions. The contract analysis depicts all the critical and informative findings.
Onboarded Date | 21 May 2024 |
Requested Date | 16 Jun 2024 |
Status | Finished |
1 medium5 passed19 minor
Severity | Code | Title | Update |
⬤ | ST | Stops Transactions | |
⬤ | OTUT | Transfers User's Tokens | |
⬤ | ELFM | Exceeds Fees Limit | Unresolved |
⬤ | MT | Mints Tokens | |
⬤ | BT | Burns Tokens | |
⬤ | BC | Blacklists Addresses | |
⬤ | RV | Randomization Vulnerability | |
⬤ | AVE | Active Vote Ensurance | |
⬤ | ALM | Array Length Mismatch | |
⬤ | CR | Code Repetition | |
⬤ | CCR | Contract Centralization Risk | |
⬤ | DFA | Day Format Ambiguity | |
⬤ | DPI | Decimals Precision Inconsistency | |
⬤ | IDI | Immutable Declaration Improvement | |
⬤ | IFP | Incorrect File Path | |
⬤ | MEM | Misleading Error Messages | |
⬤ | MEE | Missing Events Emission | |
⬤ | MU | Modifiers Usage | |
⬤ | PDME | Potential Duplicate Member Entries | |
⬤ | PLPI | Potential Liquidity Provision Inadequacy | |
⬤ | PTRP | Potential Transfer Revert Propagation | |
⬤ | PVD | Potential Voting Disruption | |
⬤ | PVC | Price Volatility Concern | |
⬤ | RSW | Redundant Storage Writes | |
⬤ | RC | Repetitive Calculations | |
⬤ | RAR | Role Assignment Requirement | |
⬤ | OCTD | Transfers Contract's Tokens | |
⬤ | L02 | State Variables could be Declared Constant | |
⬤ | L04 | Conformance to Solidity Naming Conventions | |
⬤ | L16 | Validate Variable Setters | |
⬤ | L19 | Stable Compiler Version | |
⬤ | L20 | Succeeded Transfer Check |