
Binance Smart Chain

What is FastTrack?

The FASTTRACK TOKEN PROJECT is a project consisting of four (4) tokens that are hyper deflationary tokens built on the Binance Smart Chain and reward investors for owning the tokens and incorporates the buyback approach used in the market. FASTTRACK tokens are one of the first cryptocurrencies to use automatic buyback and reflections built into the contract. FASTTRACK token holders benefit from a static reward and an automatic buyback mechanism built into the agreement. When the buyback feature is enabled, the contract will automatically buyback and burn the token after each sale. As part of the buyback process, the contract takes care of buying and burning some tokens on every sale. Advantages to this included increasing value, free BNB, and trust and reliability. As a holder of FASTTRACK you will also automatically be entered for a chance of random huge payouts paid in BNB!

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Market Cap›1.28% $14,650,732,627,444
USD Price$146,507.32627445
Price Change 1h›0.22%
Price Change 24h›1.28%
24h Low / 24h High$144,172.729591355

