

What is Dynex?

Dynex represents the forefront of neuromorphic computing through an innovative flexible blockchain protocol. This advanced platform leverages a decentralized network of PoUW miners, establishing a powerful neuromorphic supercomputing system that surpasses traditional quantum computing capabilities in terms of speed and efficiency. By converting conventional computers into neuromorphic chips, Dynex aims to unlock unprecedented computational potential, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. Powered by the proprietary Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) algorithm, known as Dynex Solve, each miner contributes to the execution of Dynex Chip computations. Through collaborative efforts within our community, we can collectively advance towards sustainability and efficacy. Join us in transforming your computer or dormant GPU mining equipment into neuromorphic machines, earning rewards and generating wealth.

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Coinscope Audit

Audit Report


Launched01 Jan 2023
Added07 Jan 2024