Coinscope has audited the contractCoinscope has audited DEBANK with static analysis and manual contract review. Security assessment assist investors in drawing their own conclusions. The contract analysis depicts all the critical and informative findings.
Onboarded Date | 09 May 2024 |
Requested Date | 16 May 2024 |
Status | Finished |
6 passed11 minor
Severity | Code | Title | Update |
⬤ | ST | Stops Transactions | |
⬤ | OTUT | Transfers User's Tokens | |
⬤ | ELFM | Exceeds Fees Limit | |
⬤ | MT | Mints Tokens | |
⬤ | BT | Burns Tokens | |
⬤ | BC | Blacklists Addresses | |
⬤ | RSCDC | Referral System Cyclic Dependency Check | |
⬤ | ISM | Incomplete Staking Mechanism | |
⬤ | PCR | Potential Condition Reversion | |
⬤ | UUFA | Unauthorized User Funds Access | |
⬤ | URA | Untracked Restaked Amounts | |
⬤ | IRD | Inflationary Reward Distribution | |
⬤ | CO | Code Optimization | |
⬤ | CR | Code Repetition | |
⬤ | IAR | Incorrect Address Reference | |
⬤ | MEM | Misleading Error Messages | |
⬤ | MMN | Misleading Method Naming | |
⬤ | MOAC | Missing Owner-Only Access Control | |
⬤ | MU | Modifiers Usage | |
⬤ | RRS | Redundant Require Statement | |
⬤ | TUU | Time Units Usage | |
⬤ | L04 | Conformance to Solidity Naming Conventions | |
⬤ | L11 | Unnecessary Boolean equality | |
⬤ | L13 | Divide before Multiply Operation | |
⬤ | L16 | Validate Variable Setters | |
⬤ | L20 | Succeeded Transfer Check |