Binance Smart Chain

AT BTC to USD Chart

What is AT BTC?

@BEITCOIN Is A Currency Linked To The Buying And Selling Of Assets And Renting Real Estate Under Construction, Whether A Full Sale Or fractional Ownership, As Non-replaceable Currencies (NFT), So That The Real Estate Unit Is Divided Into Several NFTS, A Symbol, And A Value.

Targeted Categories: Apartments, Shops, Offices Affiliated Exclusively With @ Real Estate Projects And Products, And Projects Of Other Real Estate Developers And From The Secondary Market For Reselling Real Estate Units.

@BEITCOIN Is Traded Exclusively To Pay Installments And Real Estate Sales To @Projects And Other Developers Participating In @HOMES, Purchase Properties Through NFT, And Pay Commissions To Real Estate Brokers.

Gifts Are Given To All Members And Buyers Of Real Estate Units In @ Currency Equivalent To The Value Of Payments, Starting From 100% And Decreasing Until The Value Of The Currencies Gifted To The Member And Buyer Reaches 10%.

All @Real Estate Projects And Products Will Be Exclusive To Using The @BEITCOIN To Purchase And Pay For Maintenance And Operation Services Through The Owners Association After Delivery Of The Project.

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Launched02 Apr 2024
Added04 Apr 2024