
Binance Smart Chain

What is BUSDownSanta?

Due to BUSDown Santa Tokenomics, remember to set slippage tolerance over 15% so your transaction can go through.

3% Rewards

3% of every transaction is taken and redistributed to all $BUSDown Santa holders. Accumulate $BUSDown Santa by just hodling it.

4% Buyback

4% of every transaction is taken and used towards the Automatic buyback wallet programmed to buy back every once in a while.

2%Liquidity Pool

2% of every transaction contributes toward automatically generating further liquidity on PancakeSwap. Benefiting long term holders the most.

6% Marketing

6% of every transaction is taken and used towards providing the best marketing promotion and calls our team can find.

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Market Cap‹1.58% $9,734,966,354,800,002
USD Price$9,734,966.3548
Price Change 1h‹0.2%
Price Change 24h‹1.58%
24h Low / 24h High$9,294,249.0698

