What is Gaia Animal Welfare?
About GAIA Token:
GAIA Token is not just another cryptocurrency; it’s a movement dedicated to promoting and supporting animal welfare. Our platform leverages blockchain technology to provide a multi-chain ecosystem that connects different blockchains seamlessly through LayerZero technology.
Why Trade GAIA Token?
Support Animal Welfare: Every transaction with GAIA contributes to initiatives and charities focused on animal welfare.
Multi-Chain Integration: Operates across multiple blockchains, offering unparalleled interoperability and flexibility.
High Security: Built with top-notch security protocols to ensure the safety of your assets.
Strong Community: Join a rapidly growing community of like-minded individuals and investors.
Exciting Roadmap: Stay tuned for upcoming features and developments that will enhance the GAIA ecosystem even further.
Contracts on other chains :
Binance SC (BSC): 0xa927c2ca93ac9f5a0166e50784bcaa8e4c94323b
Avalanche (AVAX): 0xA927C2ca93Ac9f5A0166E50784bCAa8e4c94323b
Base: 0xA927C2ca93Ac9f5A0166E50784bCAa8e4c94323b
Ethereum (ETH): 0x7c61e1c20E57511831Ab02F03CA27aE4f558B80E
Coinscope Audit
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Type | Normal Presale |
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