What is DANCEX?
DanceX - dancex dance to earn.
earn money while dancing.
Download the dancex app and visit dancex hotspots across the whole world to start earning tokens while you dance!
club mode dancex hot-spots.
In the club mode you can earn tokens whilst enjoying yourself at public parties, clubs, festivals and more hot-spots.
solo mode dance 2 earn.
In the solo mode, users can equip dancex NFT vinyl records to earn tokens by listening to music and dancing at home.
where nfts meet real-life.
By minting your dancex NFT, you can request a physical wristband. This fashionable wristband will give you access to all future dancex events and give you discount (entry, drinks & food) in partnered clubs across the world. ( coming soon )
dancex tokenomics.
Liquidity: 2%
Reward in BUSD: 2%
Development fee for utility (check game mode): 4%
Total supply:
Name: dancex
Symbol: DCA
!!! Note: Tokenomics for the utility token and the app's official token will be revealed once beta testing for the application has started.
\Contract Address: 0x765038EC068219fA6f80F95793D991318088223C
Website: https://dancex.online/
Telegram: https://t.me/DancexOnline
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanceXBSC