What is BabyShibaGirl?
#BabyShibaGirl is a great option with low LP and marketcap.
The team has 2 small wallets and they are locked. LP is locked on DxSale, Ownership renounced. That means completely safe.
Contract codes have been reviewed by our team and are completely clean.
In short, the safest project we've seen lately can be dumped, but it never dies.
Chances of scam or rugpull are negligible. I leave the project details below.
Contract Adress:
💩Chart : https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x225ef70a604a5c00133e681ef4e5099aa8450f68
✅Liquidity Lock; https://dxsale.app/app/v3/dxlplocksearch?id=0&add=0x225EF70A604a5C00133E681eF4E5099Aa8450F68&type=lplock0&chain=BSC
⭐ Ownership Renounced ; https://bscscan.com/tx/0x54e89e299032b6c6214bb13bd08d0e0c721e4d3fef709f04124398ebbe9fd464#eventlog
Buy on pancakeswap ; https://exchange.pancakeswap.com/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x225ef70a604a5c00133e681ef4e5099aa8450f68
⚠ Tokenomics ;
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 BabyShibaGirl
🔥%50 Supply burnt
💦%45 Supply Add to LP
💰%2.5 Marketing Wallet
🎁%2.5 Giveaway
⭐Tax Fee %9 - %5 to Holders , %4 to Liquidity
Slippage 9-10
🌍Web : BabyShibaGirl.com
🕊Twitter: https://twitter.com/BabyShibaGirl/status/1480540045941649413
🔎Telegram : t.me/BabyShibaGirl