A full guide to buying Coinscope coin on Trust Wallet in just a few, simple
Add the Coinscope address in TrustWallet
Coinscope Address: 0xD41C4805A9A3128f9F7A7074Da25965371Ba50d5
Paste the coinscope address
The name, symbol and decimals will be autocompleted
Press the DApps button and search for the PancakeSwap
In the PancakeSwap click the `select a currency`
Paste the Coinscope address `0xD41C4805A9A3128f9F7A7074Da25965371Ba50d5`
The first result will be the Coinscope, select it
Set the amount of that you want to buy and click Swap
If the transaction fails, try increasing the slippage
. The slippage should be
6-8%. You can change the slippage in the settings button ( ⚙ )
Confirm the swap
Approve the swap
Wait for the transaction to finish
When the transaction finish, you will see a notification
Congrats, You are holding Coinscope!